Tuesday, August 2, 2011

This is going to be a lot harder than I had thought.

So, if there is anyone out there actually reading my blog you will notice I haven't even found the time to write a second entry. It's been over a week since I started my blog and I had wanted to write every Friday and update on how I am doing, truth is; it's Monday and I am not doing too well.

It is very difficult to find the time to exercise let alone do anything else for myself. Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining, I love every second with my son and I wouldn't change a thing, I just think that I am going to have to set off a lot slower than I had thought. The first problem is that it is so very hot outside and by the time it cools off enough to take my little one out for a walk I am way too exhausted, or some how the day just slips away from me and it too late. I know this is completely understandable considering the circumstances.

This past week I had gotten two walks around the neighborhood in, and a few short stints of playing Dance Central on Kinect. If you haven't tried Kinect I highly recommend it! The Dance Central game sure gets the blood pumping and it is crazy fun! My fiance downloaded some extras for the Your Shape Fitness Evolved and it has a post baby work out which I can't wait to try.

I have some road blocks already though. First off, my fiance started a second job today and he will be gone a lot more now and I will be alone with Marcus for most of the time. Second, my legs and back are feeling awful! It is hard to get up and down and hard to walk at times. I am hoping with more movement that all of that will fix it's self. I developed a sciatica problem during pregnancy and.... Well see right there... Now it's Monday, I couldn't even finish my blog in one sitting. Where was I? oh yes, a sciatica problem, it seems to still be present and that slows me down a lot. I am hoping with movement that I can overcome this issue and it won't be a big problem.

To make the ending to this short and sweet, I am going to try and get moving more this week, and of course I am going to try and cook meals again so I don't settle for fast food, take out, or ever frozen processed junk. It's going to be hard, but I can do it!

Take care!


  1. My son was born on June 24th as well - after a 34 hour labor & a c-section. I have only lost 14 lbs of pregnancy weight & I'm ready to get going! I want my clothes to fit again someday, but I agree that it is too hot for outside exercise and it is hard to find time to do anything else, including cooking!

    I hope you have some releif from your back pain! I'll have to check out the kinect ;)

  2. Thanks Mary!

    That's so nice our little ones share a birthday :-)I thought exercising was a pain before, and trying to find time for it was hard then; now it is nearly impossible! I too want my clothes to fit, I am stuck wearing stretchy exercise pants, if only I could exercise in them then maybe I could start wearing jeans again! :-/

  3. I tried commenting on your last entry but it wouldnt let me for some reason - hopefully this goes through! It wont let me comment with my google account for some reason.

    I gave birth on June 17 and my husband and I joined WW this past Monday. I had (luckily) only gained 30lbs while pregnant and then, because of some major blood loss and whatnot, came home 15lbs heavier. Over the next 2 weeks, I lost that 45lbs but I'm still much heavier than I'd like to be.

    Good luck to both of us! I know how hard it is to try to squeeze in any time for exercise. My daughter is a great baby until I actually want to do something and then she just wants to be held of course.
